Advance your Riding 

Come join us for a lesson with our resident head trainer Laura Kiosorek-Smith and take your riding to the next level.

A Learning Experience

Private Lessons

This includes you, your horse, and Laura in the best arena in Carrollton focusing on your goals and aspirations for anywhere from 30-60 minutes as you decide.

Group Lessons

More of a social Rider? Bring your friends and have a great time in our arena where there is plenty of room for Laura to help you reach your goals and aspirations.

A Good Foundation is Key

Assist your young equestrian in maturing into a well-rounded horseman or horsewoman. Laura offers engaging lessons, motivating novice equestrians to embrace joy and safety in tandem, while simultaneously achieving their utmost capabilities.

Lesson Request

We appreciate your interest!

We are currently full and no longer taking on new students.